Wednesday December 6th – Mart Report – Sheep Prices

We had a similar entry of sheep at this weeks sale. There was a steady trade for Lambs with the tops fetching €111 for 62.2kgs. Prices for Cast Ewes ranged from €55 up to €120 per head. Sheep sales continue each Wednesdays at 11 a.m. for Lambs & Cast Ewes.

 Sample Prices:   Finished Lambs:

62.2kgs €111, 61.7kgs €111, 62 kgs €110, 60.2 kgs €110, 51.7 kgs €110, 51.4kgs €110, 57kgs €108, 49.6kgs €108, 59.6kgs €107.


Store Lambs:

43kgs €90, 40.1kgs €81, 40.5kgs €80, 38.3kgs €80, 40.2kgs €78,                                    39kgs €75.

Cast Ewes made from €50 to €120 per lot