Tuesday May 17th – Weanlings and Suckler Cows – Mart Prices

There was a good entry of Weanlings on offer at last Tuesday’s sale. There was a firm trade for Weanling Heifers with prices averaging from €2.52 up to €3.33 per kilo. There was also a lively trade for Bull Weanlings with prices averaging from €2.56 per kilo up to €3.29 per kilo. Sale of Weanlings and Suckler cows and Cows with Calves at Foot as usual Tuesday next May 24th @ 5 p.m.  Special sale of WeanlingsTuesday May 31st @ 5 p.m. Bookings accepted up to 5 p.m. on Tuesday May 24th, Wednesday May 25th and Thursday May 26th.

Weanling Heifers made from €370 to €700 over

 Sample Prices: Char X 395 kgs €1035, Char x 330 kgs €1030,Lim X 350 kgs €980, AAX 370 kgs €910, 2 Lim X 315 kgs €875,2 Lim X 312 kg €850, 2 Char X 272 kgs €825, 2 AA X 270 kgs €640,BBX 195 kgs €650, Lim X 220 kgs €700.

Weanling Bulls made from €435 to €775 over

 Sample Prices  Char X 445 kgs €1220, Lim X 315 kgs €1035,Char X 310 kgs €970, 2 Lim 330 kgs €930, Lim 260 kgs €795,AAX 275 kgs €765, Lim X 285 kgs €860, Simm X 285 kgs €750,AAX 260 kgs €705, Char X 205 kgs €640. BBX 320 kgs €920.

Springers made up to €1520

Cows with calves at foot made up to €1800.