We had another good size sale this week which included a special sale of Heifers. Prices for quality Bullocks are holding well, however the lesser types are more difficult to sell. There was increase in the average price for Heifers. There was a good number of Dry Cows on offer with prices improved from the previous week resulting in a good clearance of lots. Friday sales continue weekly for Bullocks, Heifers and Dry Cows. Sales commence at 11 a.m. Yard opens at 8 a.m. Christmas Bonanza Sales for Bullocks and Heifers will be held on Friday December 3rd– Entries accepted at the office at 5 p.m. on Thursday next November 28th.
Dry Cows made from €755 to €1560 per head
Sample prices: Char 830 kgs €1545, Lim 725 kgs €1070, BBX 720 kgs €1050,
Lim X 680 kgs €1200, Char 710 kgs €1300, Lim 720 kgs €1490, AAX 715 kgs €1050, Simm X 685 kgs €1265, Char 830 kgs €1560, Lim X 570 kgs €1000,
Heifers made from €450 to €1015 over
Sample prices: BBX 665 kgs €1680, Char X 750 kgs €1690, Lim 570 €1600, 3 Char X 630 kgs €1500, AAX 695 kgs €1370, Simm 605 kgs €1350, Lim 465 kgs €1240, BBX 475 kgs €1250, Char X 590 kgs €1300, AAX 655 kgs €1150, 2 582 €1150, HEX 590 kgs €1150, Char X 465 kgs €1145. Char X 755 kgs €1670, Lim 455 kgs €1150, Lim 515 kgs €1455, Lim 490 kgs €1200.
Bullocks made from €410 to €940 over
Sample prices: Char X 685 kgs €1590, Lim X 690 kgs €1500, Lim X 590 kgs €1325,
2 Char X 580 kgs €1285, AAX 675 kgs €1240, Char X 665 kgs €1500,
SAX 530 kgs €1130,2 Lim X 435 kgs €1080, SHX 585 kgs €1150,
3 Char X 535 kgs €1115, AAX 515 kg €1050, AAX 505 kgs €1035,
HEX 590 kgs €1030. Char 425 kgs €1020, Char X 385 kgs €1020.