Friday December 13th – Cattle Prices Report


There were smaller numbers on offer this week. The average prices for Bullocks were improved while the prices for Heifers and Dry Cows were on par to the previous week. The annual Christmas draw takes place on Wednesday December 18th after the sheep sale. All customers who bought or sold in 2013 will be automatically included in the draw. Full details of the draw are up our website. The first sale for Bullocks, Heifers and Dry Cows will be held on Friday January 10th 2014.


Dry Cows made from€650 to €1225 per head

Sample prices: 780 kgs €1225, Lim X 765 kgs €1220, Lim 685 kgs €1135, Lim X 580 kgs €1105, AA 685 kgs €1045, AAX 630 kgs €985. Lim X 590 kgs €870,

Char X 630 kgs €970, HEX 660 kgs €825.

Heifers made from €395 to €960 over

Sample prices: BBX 605 kgs €1565, Char X 680 kgs €1470, Lim 575 kgs €1390,

Lim X 585 €1320, 2 Char X 542 kgs €1300, Lim X 435 kgs €1210, 2 Char X 470 kgs €1070,Char 475 kgs €1065, Lim X 510 kgs €1045, Lim 500 kgs €1040, Lim X 440 kgs €1040, Lim 445 kgs €1015, SAX 455 kgs €1000, AAX 500 kgs €1000, AAX 435 kgs €990, 2 AAX 412 kgs €925, 2 Lim X 387 kgs €890, Lim 355 kgs €765,Lim X 285 kgs €655,


 Bullocks made from €375 to €770 over

Sample prices: Char X 570 kgs €1310, 5 Char X 519 kgs €1265, 3 Char X 528 kgs €1275, AAX 630 kgs €1220, 2 Char X 470 kgs €1105, 2 Lim X 415 kgs €1015, Char 390 kgs €1000,

2 Lim X 455 kgs €990, Char X 390 kgs €975, Char X 395 kgs €965, BAX 380 kgs €950, Char X 350 kgs €835