Wednesday October 29th Sheep Prices Report



There were smaller numbers on offer this week. However there was a strong trade for lambs with prices improved by approximately €3 to €5 per head from last week.

There was also a lively trade for Cast Ewes with a full clearance of lots.

Sales continue weekly at 11 a.m. Yard opens at 8.00 a.m.  Funds for Bothar Sheep Auction on

Wednesday next November 5th @ 11 am. Please support this worthy cause.


Sample Prices:


Wether Lambs 53.10 kgs €111.50, 47.70 kgs €104, 51 kgs €111, 49 kgs €105,

47 kgs €97,


Ram Lambs :  48.70 kgs €106, 45.70 kgs €90, 39 kgs €82, 44.30 kgs €93,


Ewe Lambs 44.50 kgs €110, 40.3 kgs €93, 49.70 kgs €109, 45.70 kgs €105,

39.20 kgs €90, 49.20 kgs €115, 51.20 kgs €120, 45.80 kgs €101.50


Stores lambs made from €65 to €88 per lot


Cast Ewes made from €50.00 to €122 per lot