Wednesday October 15th Sheep Prices Report

 There were large numbers on offer at last Wednesday sheep sale.  Prices for lambs were in generally in line with the previous week   The trade for Cast Ewes was slightly improved. There was a verygood clearance of lots. Sales continue weekly at 11 a.m. Yard opens at 8.00 a.m. Included in the sale Wednesday October 22nd – 30 2nd Crop Ewes –

Also Show and Sale of Pedigree Vendeen Ewes


Sample Prices:


Wether Lambs 48.90 kgs €95, 51.80 kgs €101, 43.50 kgs €89, 55 kgs €101, 43.70 kgs €86.50.

50.4 kgs €100, 39.30 kgs €82.50 44 kgs €90, 41.30 kgs €87.50


Ram Lambs :  51 kgs €98, 45 kgs €94,4


Ewe Lambs 42.5 kgs €90, 54.80 kgs €107, 43.20 kgs €91, 37.70 kgs €83,51.90 kgs €112, 47 kgs €100,39.10 kgs €88, 45.50 kgs €97


Stores lambs made from €77 to €87 per lot


Cast Ewes made from €60.00 to €115 per lot