Wednesday December 17th Sheep Prices Report


 There were good numbers on offer at this week’s sale which included a clearance sale of 110 in lamb Ewes.There was a lively trade for lambs with prices on par to last week. There was a slightly improved trade for Stag Ewes with a full clearance of lots. There was a very good demand for the special entry of in lamb Ewes,with lots making up to €200 per head. Sheep sales re-commence on Wednesday January 14th 2015  at 11 a.m.Yard opens at 8.30 a.m.


Sample Prices:


Wether Lambs 41.90 kgs €87, 50 kgs €115, 59.20 kgs €121.50,


Ram Lambs:  49.7 kgs €117,


Mixed Lots:   48.70 kgs €116, 45.17 kgs €100, 46.10 kgs €110, 52.50 kgs €119, 50.70 kgs €120,


Ewe Lambs: 50.20 kgs €118, 42 kgs €114, 53.10 kgs €118.50, 49.30 kgs €115, 54.10 kgs €119,

49.60 kgs €115,


Stores lambs made from €73 to €82 per lot


Cast Ewes made from €60.00 to €125.00 per lot


Special Entry of in Lamb Ewes – 2 & 3 year olds scanned in lamb to Charollais & Suffolk Rams

Lambing from end of January onwards made from €170 to €200 per head.