There were good numbers on offer again this week. There was an improved trade for both Bull and Heifers with a strong demand resulting in a high clearance of lots. There was a good attendance of farmers and exporters. Tuesday Sales continue weekly commencing at 6 p.m. Yard opens at 4.30 p.m.–
Weanling Heifers made from €340 to €868 over
Sample Prices: 2 BBX 422 kgs €1290, BBX 355 kgs €1205, Char X 385 kgs €1200, AAX 355 kgs €1160, BBX 310 kgs €1050, Char X 380 kgs €1025, Char X 275 kgs €970, BBX 330 kgs €965, Char X 385 kgs €960, Lim X 380 kgs €960, BBX 315 kgs €900, Char X 310 kgs €890, Lim X 325 kgs €870, Char X 295 kgs €880, Char X 285 kgs €855, Lim X 320 kgs €1110.
Weanling Bulls made from €305 to €860 over
Sample Prices:BBX 490 kgs €1350, BBX 395 kgs €1200,Char 370 kgs €1115, Char X 375 kgs €1100, BBX 365 kgs €1000,Char X 365 kgs €935, Char X 335 kgs €905, Char 330 kgs €875,2 Lim X 360 kgs €825, Char X 345 kgs €815, Char 290 kgs €790,2 Char X 232 kgs €760
Cows with Calves at foot made from €980 to €1580