There was an improvement in the trade for Bullocks this week with a good clearance of lots. There was no significant change in the price of Heifers and Dry Cows. There is a very large entry of Bullocks for the Mid Spring Special sale on Friday next March 28th. Sellers please note the sales yard will open at 7 a.m. All stock must be penned by 10.00 a.m. Heifers and Dry Cows will be sold in Ring 2 on Friday next. There is a special mid spring sale of Heifers on Friday April 4th at 11 a.m. Bookings accepted at the – office at 5 p.m. on Thurs. March 27th.
Dry Cows made from €810 to €1390 per lot
Lim X 700 kgs €1415, Lim x 750 kgs €1360, BBX 610 kgs €1100, Lim X 540 kgs €985, Lim X 575 kgs €820, Char X 590 kgs €880, Lim X 680 kgs €1040,
Heifers made from €300 to €710 over
Sample prices Lim X 490 kgs €1200, Lim X 515 kgs €1185, Lim X 495 kgs €1180, Lim X 460 kgs €1100, 2 Char X 425 kgs €1020, Lim X 390 kgs €975, BBX 420 kgs €970, Lim X 390 kgs €820, 2 Lim X 400 kgs €890
Bullocks made from €430 to €780 over
Sample prices: Char X 610 kgs €1385, 2 Lim X 565 kgs €1270, Simm X 575 kgs €1270,
2 Char X 542 kgs €1235, 4 Lim X 411 kgs €1100, BBX 490 kgs €1035,
Char X 380 kgs €910, Char X 380 kgs €820, Lim X 325 kgs €745.
Lim X 350 kgs €870. 2 Char X 385 kgs €1100