The numbers on offers was increased this week. The prices for Store Lambs showed an increase while the trade for Cast Ewes were in line with the previous weeks trade. Please note -Breeding Ewes are sold on Saturdays at 11 a.m. Yard opens at 7.30 a.m. The annual Show & Sale of Lambs will be held on Wednesday September 5th. Sale commences at 11 a.m. Yard opens at 7 a.m.
Sample prices:
11 Lambs 54.30 kgs €108, 7 Ewe Lambs 46.43 kgs €95.50, 10 Ewe Lambs 46 kgs €110, 11 lambs 50.19 Kgs €103, 7 Ewe Lambs 46.43 kgs €99, 8 Ewe Lambs 47.55 kgs €106, 9 Ewe Lambs 49 kgs €110
Store Lambs made from €77 to €88 per head
Cast Ewes made from €45 to €112