Friday August 17th Cattle Prices Report

There was an increase in the numbers this week.  The trade for bullocks was similar to the previous week while prices for Heiferswere increased. Next sale of Weanlings & Cows will be held on Tuesday August 28th.

Also a Special Fall/Autumn Sale for Bullocks Friday September 7th – Bookings accepted for Bullocks at the office from 6 p.m. on Thursday August 30th. Enquiries 0906626352 or email us at

 Dry Cows made from €950 to €1410 per head

Sample Prices Char 795 kgs €1410, Simm X 770 kgs €1250, Char 735 kgs €1220, Fr. X. 740 kgs €1120. 

Heifers made from €545 to €730 over

Sample prices: Char 480 kgs €1060, Char 485 kgs €1215,Black Lim 395 kgs €900, Black Lim 355 kgs €840, Red Lim 555 kgs €1240, Char 565 kgs €1195, Char 365 kgs €832. Char 420 kgs €1000.

Bullocks made from €545 to €760 over

Sample Prices: Char 475 kgs €1020, 2 Char 553 kgs €1190, Char 505 kgs €1090,Red Lim 545 kgs €1150, Char 600 kgs €1270, Char 610 kgs €1370, Char 590 kgs €1230,