Wednesday November 27th – Mart Report – Sheep Prices


There was a similar entry of sheep on offer at today’s sale with a strong demand for both Lambs and Cast Ewes.  Finished lambs made up to €110 for 49.7 kilo.  Sheep sales continue on Wednesdays at 11 a.m. for Lambs & Cast Ewes. Please note all sheep must be tagged with a full yellow EID Tag set.

Sample Prices;    Finished Lambs :

49.7kgs €110, 55.2 kgs €110, 54.7 kgs €110, 49.6 kgs €108, 52.3 kgs €108,

49.4 kgs €106, 47.3 kgs €105

Store Lambs:      41.6 kgs €90, 40.60 kgs €90, 36.9 kgs €86, 37.5 kgs €70, 37 kgs €68,

  Cast Ewes made from €60 to €105 per lot.