Wednesday May 29th – Mart Report – Sheep Prices

There were similar numbers on offer this week. There was a similar trade for Spring Lamb with prices fetching €115 for 58.7kgs. There was a steady trade for Cast Ewes with prices ranging from €55 up to €129. There was a smaller entry of Ewes with lambs at foot on offer this week, however there was a brisk trade for them with a full clearance.  Sales continue each Wednesday at 11 a.m. for Lambs, Cast Ewes & Ewes with lambs at foot.  

Sample Prices ; Spring Lamb

58.7kgs €115, 47.5kgs €111.5, 50.8kgs €111, 48.4kgs €110,

50kgs €110, 46.2kgs €110, 48.3kgs €109, 47kgs €107.5,

44kgs €105, 42.7kgs €103.

Cast Ewes made from €55 to €129 per lot.

Ewe with one lamb @ foot made up to €212.